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EDAS paper submission tutorial

This tutorial will guide you through the submission of your paper


1. Manuscript is 4-5 pages minimum and 8-10 pages maximum
2. Formatting must be in word file document (.doc or .docx)
3. Paper must be follow the paper formatting

Login to the Thermofluid UGM 2022 EDAS site

Click the registration menu, then choose the Submission button on the Thermofluid website.

Then, click the Paper Submission button, which will redirect you to the Thermofluid UGM 2022 EDAS website.

Login to your EDAS account.

Entry your paper details

Once you are logged in , click the symposium name —under the Track column—that matches on your paper to be registered.

Enter your paper details, tick the box “Add yourself as author” and click Submit button to register your paper.

Your paper has successfully been submitted. Now, you will be able to view your paper in your EDAS account.

Add your paper's author(s)

Click Added to add your co-authors (if available).

Write your co-author’s name, EDAS ID, or email address. Alternatively, you can simply select your co-author’s name from the co-author list. Then, click Add author button.

Select the radio button before your co-author’s name and click Select this person button to confirm it.

Upload your paper's document

After adding your co-author, click Upload the manuscript to upload your paper document.

Tick the box “I have checked that the authors listed in the manuscript are the same as the current list of authors on the paper record”, choose your paper document, and click Upload ... button.

Please ensure your document is in the DOC or DOCX format.

Your paper has been uploaded.

If you still require further assistance, please feel free to contact us.

If your paper is accepted, you will be able to pay the conference fee.